Quadri in esposizione

Progetto | Project Quadri

Duo: Emanuela Ferrari – Pier Didoni 


Il progetto è basato sulle due possibilità, figurativa e musicale, di esprimere un’ idea, dapprima in pittura, disegno o tecnica mista, dopodiché in musica.

Sul palco verranno proiettate le immagini delle opere sulla cui tematica il duo svilupperà un concetto musicale. Il risultato è una suggestiva miscellanea di generi (dal jazz, al classico, alla melodia etnica italiana, al progressive) legati al tema espressivo e visivo delle opere.

Il repertorio comprende brani composti dal duo e tratti dal patrimonio musicale italiano ed estero.

Emanuela Ferrari: pianoforte

Pier Didoni: immagini, contrabbasso, mandolino, chitarre, basso elettrico, voce, percussioni, armonica ed effetti.

Project: Exposition of paintings

Duet: Emanuela FerrariPier Didoni

The project is based on tho ways of expressing an idea: the first is through images (paintings, drawings or a mixed technique) the second through music.

Some works of art will be shown on a screen on stage and, afterward, their theme will be developed in a music concept. The result is an evocative mixture of different genres (from jazz, to classical music, from the Italian ethnic music to the progressive one). The genres are linked to the expressive and visual theme of the works of art.

The repertoire includes both melodies composed by the duet itself and those from the Italian and international panoramas.

 Emanuela Ferrari: piano

Pier Didoni: images, double-bass, mandolin, guitars, electric bass, voice, drums, mouth organ and effects.

Progetto | Project Quadri

Duo: Pier Didoni – Emanuela Ferrari

Picture on exhibition is based on the two possible ways – in pictures or in music – of expressing an idea. On the stage works by P. Didoni are projected.

The duo develops music creation based on the pictures. The result is a striking miscellany of gendres inspired to the expressive and visual theme of these works of art.

Emanuela Ferrari: piano
Peir Didoni: pictures, bass, mandolin, guitars, electric bass, vocals, harmonica, and special effects.

L'arte incontra la musica | Art matches music

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